A new movie named Boogie released its first trailer this past Tuesday. The film is directed by Eddie Huang, author of the acclaimed Fresh Off The Boat. Set in Queens, New York, the film follows the story of Alfred “Boogie” Chin, a Chinese-Taiwanese American who hopes to one day play for the National Basketball Association (NBA). Played by Taylor Takahashi, the character Boogie faces many obstacles such as achieving his dreams of being a professional basketball player and living up to his parent’s expectations. “I would like to make a film that changes another kid’s life,” says Huang. He also mentions that the film Good Will Hunting was his main inspiration for the creation of Boogie, and it was what got him interested in filmmaking in the first place. Huang has revealed that he hasn’t been presenting the film as an Asian American film but rather “an intersectional immigrant story” for all immigrants living in America. The release date for Boogie is March 5th, and you don’t want to miss it!
Eddie Huang makes his directorial debut with new film called “Boogie”
Writer: Courtney Kloss │ Editor: Frances Liu | Researcher: Ting Ting Li
01/19/21 - 01/24/21
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